Prayer & Daily Announcements

PRAYER & DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS for February 21, 2025

Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Addison Fanter and today is Friday, February 21st, 2025.

Today, the Church honors Saint Peter Damian, a Benedictine monk, cardinal, and Doctor of the Church, known for his zealous reform efforts and profound writings. Peter Damian’s life serves as a powerful example of courage, dedication, and unwavering commitment to truth and justice within the Church.

Please keep in your prayers today Mr. Jim Hebert who passed away yesterday. He is the uncle of Dr. Fischer, Senior Lennon Fischer and Sophomore Bridget Fischer.

Almighty God, you gave Saint Peter Damian the zeal to reform your Church and the courage to confront corruption: Grant me a spirit of fervor and dedication, that I may, like Peter Damian, strive for holiness and justice in your Church; that I may speak the truth with boldness and clarity, even when it is difficult; that I may work tirelessly to promote integrity and combat wrongdoing; that I may be inspired by his example to uphold the teachings of the Church; that I may be strengthened by his prayers to persevere in doing your will; that so, following his example, I may dedicate my life to the service of your Church, this day and all my days, through the same Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.



The word of the day is ruminate.  To ruminate is to think carefully and deeply about something.  We ruminated over the implications of our decision.

The Math Lab will be closed during 4B. (Kairis)

For all Juniors taking the JCA ACT Prep class, we will start our weekend with some fun with grammar tomorrow, Saturday morning from 9-11.  We will meet in Dr. Fischer’s classroom 107.  Bring your books.  Can’t wait to see you there!! (Allgood)

The Blood Drive is this Monday (2/24 today) in the small gym. If you are donating blood, please stop by room 129 today or at the small gym on Monday to see Mr. Morrissette for your wristband & donor pass that shows the time of your donation, if you haven’t already picked them up. This pass is needed by your teachers to allow you to leave your class and return to your class. Keep this card with you. Only blood donors are allowed to be in spirit wear on Monday. Please get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and eat a good breakfast before donating. Thank you for donating!

Yearbook friends, we need your help!!   You were amazing last week coming up with a plan, but now we need help picking the questions.  Check out the post in our team and share your ideas.  We don’t want to have to use my terrible questions!  Also, if you are interested in taking the yearbook class next year, please see Mrs. Gedvilas or Dr. Will-Henn to sign your course card!  No yearbook experience is required to take the class. (Gedvilas)

As a reminder, students returning to JCA for the 2025-2026 school year must submit their course selection cards with a parent signature to their Theology teacher by Monday, February 24th. If you have questions or concerns regarding your course selection card, please reach out to your counselor. (Pahl)

This is a reminder that all students must park in their designated parking spots. If someone is occupying your assigned spot, please use a guest parking spot and notify Mrs. Borio immediately. Please be aware that students are not allowed to park on campus without purchasing a parking spot and registering their vehicles. Any car found in an unauthorized spot or location will be issued Saturday detention and a fine. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our campus organized and safe. If you have any questions, see the dean’s office. (Arnett)



For Black History Month, we learn about pilot, Bessie Coleman. She was the first Black American woman to hold a pilot’s license. At a time when Black people were prohibited from voting, using public facilities, and more, Coleman dreamed of learning to fly, inspired by the stories her brothers came home with after serving during World War I. Coleman was rejected from aviation school several times in the United States. This led her to apply to the Caudron Brothers School of Aviation in Le Crotoy, France, where she was accepted. In 1921, she was the first American women to receive an international pilot’s license and then returned to the States, where she performed in many air shows until died in a plane accident in 1926 while test driving the only plane, she was able to purchase herself.


PRAYER & DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS for February 20, 2025

Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Lilly VanTassel and today is Thursday, February 20th, 2025.

Today’s Gospel reading from Mark 8:27-33 centers on Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ, a pivotal moment followed immediately by Jesus’s first prediction of his suffering and death. Jesus asks his disciples about his identity, and Peter, speaking for them all, declares, “You are the Christ.” This declaration marks a significant step in their understanding, yet their comprehension remains incomplete.

Lord, As Peter confessed you as the Christ, and you revealed the path of suffering, grant us the wisdom to understand your divine plan. As Peter struggled to reconcile your suffering with his expectations, help us to surrender our preconceived notions to your will. Open our hearts to embrace the cross, and grant us humility to follow your path, even when it leads to suffering. May we not be blinded by human perspectives, but trust in your power to bring about salvation through sacrifice. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




The word of the day is hagiography.  Hagiography is biography that idealizes or idolizes a person and their life.  The book gives a good idea of his virtues without resorting to hagiography.

Yearbook friends, we need your help!!   You were amazing last week coming up with a plan, but now we need help picking the questions.  Check out the post in our team and share your ideas.  We don’t want to have to use my terrible questions!  Also, if you are interested in taking the yearbook class next year, please see Mrs. Gedvilas or Dr. Will-Henn to sign your course card!  No yearbook experience is required to take the class. (Gedvilas)

As a reminder, students returning to JCA for the 2025-2026 school year must submit their course selection cards with a parent signature to their Theology teacher by Monday, February 24th. If you have questions or concerns regarding your course selection card, please reach out to your counselor. (Pahl)

This is a reminder that all students must park in their designated parking spots. If someone is occupying your assigned spot, please use a guest parking spot and notify Mrs. Borio immediately. Please be aware that students are not allowed to park on campus without purchasing a parking spot and registering their vehicles. Any car found in an unauthorized spot or location will be issued Saturday detention and a fine. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our campus organized and safe. If you have any questions, see the dean’s office. (Arnett)

Attention Students – There will not be Compass today – please go to your homeroom instead. (Batchelor)



Today, for Black History Month we learn about electrical engineer and inventor Otis Boykin. He invented nearly 30 electronic devices and received 11 patents. But in 1964, he developed one of his most influential, when he created a control unit for the first successful pacemaker – a device implanted into the heart to help regulate the heartbeat. His inventions have contributed to many saved lives through the years.

PRAYER & DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS for February 19, 2025

Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Alivia Schertz and today is Wednesday, February 19th, 2025.

Today, the Gospel reading from Mark 8:22-26 presents us with the healing of a blind man at Bethsaida, a miracle that unfolds in two stages, offering a powerful metaphor for spiritual sight. This two-stage healing is unique in the Gospels and suggests a process of gradual spiritual awakening. Just as the man’s physical sight was restored progressively, so too can our spiritual vision be opened in stages. This passage reminds us that spiritual blindness can be healed, but it often requires a journey of faith and a willingness to allow Jesus to touch our lives repeatedly.

Lord, As Jesus healed the blind man in stages, grant us patience in our own journey of spiritual healing. As the man’s vision was partially restored, then fully healed, help us to recognize the gradual unfolding of your grace in our lives. Open our eyes to see you more clearly, and grant us the humility to accept your touch, even when it is gradual. May we not be discouraged by partial understanding, but trust in your power to bring us to full spiritual sight. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




The word of the day is gallant.  Someone or something described as gallant is very courageous and brave.  Though they failed to reach the summit, the mountaineering team made a gallant attempt.

Sophomores, remember that you are eating at 4a today and going to homeroom 4b.  Your class mass and ring ceremony will take place during 4b, and 5th period.  Freshmen, you are going to homeroom 4a and eating 4b today. (Ferro)

We will be having Spirit Day tomorrow, Thursday, February 20.  Wrist bands will be on sale in the morning, and they cost $2.00. This Spirit Day is for the student body’s Jubilate gift.  The money will be used to purchase an auction item for the event. Jubilate is coming up fast. The event is March 22, 2025, at the Bolingbrook Golf Club. (C.Voss)

Yearbook friends, we need your help!!   You were amazing last week coming up with a plan, but now we need help picking the questions.  Check out the post in our team and share your ideas.  We don’t want to have to use my terrible questions!  Also, if you are interested in taking the yearbook class next year, please see Mrs. Gedvilas or Dr. Will-Henn to sign your course card!  No yearbook experience is required to take the class. (Gedvilas)

As a reminder, students returning to JCA for the 2025-2026 school year must submit their course selection cards with a parent signature to their Theology teacher by Monday, February 24th. If you have questions or concerns regarding your course selection card, please reach out to your counselor. (Pahl)

This is a reminder that all students must park in their designated parking spots. If someone is occupying your assigned spot, please use a guest parking spot and notify Mrs. Borio immediately. Please be aware that students are not allowed to park on campus without purchasing a parking spot and registering their vehicles. Any car found in an unauthorized spot or location will be issued Saturday detention and a fine. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our campus organized and safe. If you have any questions, see the dean’s office. (Arnett)



The JCA blood drive is less than a week away! Please sign up today, we can always use more donors! The JCA Medical Science Club is hosting a Blood Drive on Monday, February 24th in the small gym from 8 am to 1 pm. Students, 16 & over, can donate and save up to 3 lives with each donation. Students can also earn service hours for donating or volunteering. Parents of current students and JCA alumni are also encouraged to give blood. The blood drive flyers in the hallway have a QR code to sign up. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Morrissette. Thank you for being a life saver!



For BHM, we highlight Victor J. Glover, Jr.

Out of more than 300 NASA astronauts who have been sent to space, only 14 have been Black Americans. Victor Glover is the first Black astronaut to live and work on the International Space Station for an extended period. Before becoming an astronaut, Mr. Glover was a commander and test pilot in the United States Navy and received his bachelor’s degree in general engineering from California Polytechnic State University. He is famous for being currently assigned as the pilot for NASA’s upcoming Artemis II mission to the moon. Mr. Glover attributes his success in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to his fifth-grade science teacher who suggested engineering to him.



Today we will be lining the halls to wish Wrestlers GOOD LUCK at the IHSA state tournament. Mrs. Arnett will ask all classes to line up in the 1st floor hallway at 1:40, at the end of 7th period.

For all boys interested in playing Tennis this Spring, there will be a meeting after school Wednesday, January 19th in room 110.  It will be a brief meeting to discuss the upcoming season.  Please see Mr. Allgood in room 110 if you are unable to attend.

All sophomores interested in trying out baseball this Spring there will be a mandatory meeting at 2:50 in the school chapel on Wednesday, February 19th.

PRAYER & DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS for February 18, 2025

Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Nico Ronchetti and today is Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.

Today, the Gospel reading from Mark 8:14-21 presents us with Jesus’s frustration with his disciples’ lack of understanding, even after witnessing his miraculous feeding of the multitudes. He questions their ability to comprehend the true meaning of his miracles, asking if they have eyes but don’t see, ears but don’t hear, and hearts that are hardened. He concludes with a simple, yet powerful question: “Do you still not understand?” This highlights the disciples’ spiritual blindness, even after experiencing the extraordinary.

Lord, As Jesus reminded his disciples of the miraculous feedings, help us to remember your abundant provision in our lives. As they failed to understand the deeper meaning of the miracles, open our hearts and minds to comprehend your spiritual lessons. Grant us the wisdom to discern between true teaching and corrupting influences, and to focus on what truly matters. May our faith not be clouded by earthly concerns but grounded in the knowledge of your power and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




The word of the day is billet-doux.  A billet-doux is a love letter.  Since their relationship was long-distance, the couple thought it would be cute to send each other billets-doux on their anniversary.

Sophomores, tomorrow is your class mass and class ring ceremony.  In order to have enough time for both events, we are changing homeroom and lunch periods.  All Sophomores will eat at 4a tomorrow and go to homeroom 4b.  Your teachers will accompany you to the chapel.  If you’d like to help at mass, please reach out to campus ministry. Freshmen, this means that you will all go to homeroom tomorrow at 4a and eat lunch during 4b (Ferro)

The staff of 4188 the Art Literary Magazine will meet today, Tuesday February 18 at 2:45 in room 230. (Stoiber)

Sophomores, tomorrow is your class mass and ring ceremony.  If you would like to help at mass by reading, bringing up the gifts or processing in with the cross and candle, please reach out to Mrs. Ferro or Dr. Bailey in campus ministry. (Ferro)




The JCA blood drive is less than a week away! Please sign up today, we can always use more donors! The JCA Medical Science Club is hosting a Blood Drive on Monday, February 24th in the small gym from 8 am to 1 pm. Students, 16 & over, can donate and save up to 3 lives with each donation. Students can also earn service hours for donating or volunteering. Parents of current students and JCA alumni are also encouraged to give blood. The blood drive flyers in the hallway have a QR code to sign up. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Morrissette. Thank you for being a life saver!



During the racially contentious period in the late ’60s, Shirley Chisholm became the first Black woman elected to Congress. She represented New York’s 12th District from 1969 to 1983, and in 1972, she became the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Her campaign slogan “Unbought and unbossed” rings even louder today. Senator Kamala Harris paid tribute to Chisholm in her 2020 presidential campaign announcement.



Edna Keith Elementary is hosting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Family Night on Wednesday, February 26 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm.  We are in need of 6 students to help with Bingo, Jeopardy, an Oompa Loompa fingerprint craft, and sequencing and memory match activities. We have English and Spanish speaking students so let us know if you speak Spanish.  Please contact Mrs. Bannon at if interested



Congratulations to the following wrestlers who have qualified for the State Tournament. Maddux Tindal, Jason Hampton, Dawson Mack, Elias Gonzalez, Nolan Vogel, Vincent Tindal, Luke Hamiti, Isaac Clauson, and Nico Ronchetti. Good luck at State this weekend!

For all boys interested in playing Tennis this Spring, there will be a meeting after school Wednesday, January 19th in room 110.  It will be a brief meeting to discuss the upcoming season.  Please see Mr. Allgood in room 110 if you are unable to attend.

All sophomores interested in trying out for baseball this Spring there will be a mandatory meeting at 2:50 in the school chapel on Wednesday, February 19th.

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