Tryout Information






Monday, March 3           

Var:     2:30-5:00pm, gym

So:       8:00-10:00am, gym

Fr:       12:30-2:30pm, gym


Tuesday, March 4           

Var:     8:30-10:00pm, gym                                                                        

So:      5:30-7:00pm, gym                                                                               

Fr:        7:00-8:30pm, gym


Wednesday, March 5     

Var:     6:00pm, gym                                                

So:       3:00-4:30pm, gym                                           

Fr:       4:30-6:00pm, gym


Thursday, March 6       

Var:    8:30-10:00pm, gym                                     

So:      5:30-7:00pm, gym                                                                        

Fr:       7:00-8:30pm, gym


Friday, March 7               

Var:    3:00-6:00pm, gym

So:      Off

Fr:       Off


Saturday, March 8         

Var:    2:00-4:00pm, gym                                 

So:       8:00-10:00am, gym                                             

Fr:       12:00-2:00pm, gym


Sunday, March 9             

Var:    2:00-4:00pm, gym                                                      

So:      10:00-12:00pm, gym                                                                               

Fr:       12:00-2:00pm, gym


Girls Soccer                    

Monday – Friday               

All Levels: 5:00-7:00pm, main gym

March 3 – 7th


Girls Softball                 

 Monday, March 3               All Levels: 10:00am-Noon @ JCA                           

Tuesday, March 4               All Levels: 3-5:30pm @ JCA                                        

Wednesday, March 5        All Levels: 3-5:30pm @ PWA cages (PWA – 2725 W. Jefferson St., Joliet)

Thursday, March 6            All Levels: 2:30-5:30pm @ JCA                            

Friday, March 7                  All Levels: 3-5:30pm @PWA cages                                      

Saturday, March 8             All Levels: 10:00am-Noon @ JCA                       

Sunday, March 9                OFF


Boys Tennis                     

Tuesday, March 4             

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Location:  JCA Tennis Courts

 Bring racquets and dress accordingly

(If weather is bad, brief meeting in Room 110)


Boys Volleyball              

Monday, March 10             

All Levels:  3:00-5:30pm, main gym                                     

Tuesday, March 11              

All Levels:  3:00-5:30pm, main gym

Wear gym shoes and gym clothes


All athletes must have a current physical on file and be registered for their sport by Monday, March 3rd.    You must register per season/per sport.  To complete the online sport registration follow the 3 steps listed below:

Step 1:  Get your annual physical exam.  Athletes must use the IHSA Physical form that can be found under the Athletic tab on the JCA website, in the drop down, “Sports Physicals.”  Physicals are good for 395 days (13 months) per the IHSA.   If your athlete participated in a fall and/or winter sport and their physical is current, there is no need to turn in another copy.  Physical forms must have the athlete and parent signature.

Step 2:  Turn in current sport physical to the main office, or by emailing  Pictures, screen shots, jpeg, jpg, or any other picture format, ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.  Only PDF forms will be accepted. 

Step 3:  Complete online registration at

Your registration is not complete until the sports fee is paid.   


For specific sport information please contact:

Baseball:  Coach Voss at

Boys Tennis:  Coach Allgood at            

Boys Volleyball:  Coach Budz at          

Girls Soccer:  Coach Valdez at  

Softball:  Coach Kinsella at           



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